Toddler Comforts Scared Golden Retriever During A Thunderstorm

I have always believed that there is a special connection between children and their pets. There is something undeniably pure about the way they love and care for each other, especially when they sense danger for the other.

One toddler, noticing that their furry friend wasn't handling a thunderstorm very well, decided to help them out.

Dogs Being Afraid Of Thunderstorms Is Nothing New

Photo Credit: Scopio / Niyana Khamouli
Photo Credit: Scopio / Niyana Khamouli

Many dogs often feel scared and distressed when hearing turbulent and unruly weather. The bizarre and unpredictable sounds associated with the storm often visibly upset them and drive them to try and hide away in a safe spot.

This one family's golden retriever was no exception to this type of behavior.


Hey Pal, What's Wrong?

boy comes and pets head of dog cowering on ground
Photo Credit: Twitter / @akkitwts
Photo Credit: Twitter / @akkitwts

This family's golden retriever retreated to the laundry room when the noise started, which is where the little one found him cowering and whimpering. The toddler immediately walked up to the dog, bent down to his level, and started to gently pet his head and say gibberish words of comfort.


It Starts To Work!

dog raises head up to be in line with toddler's (who is bent over)
Photo Credit: Twitter / @akkitwts
Photo Credit: Twitter / @akkitwts

After a minute or so of the toddler gently holding him and talking him through his fear, the dog finally raises his head up out of the cowering position to be at eye level with his tiny friend. Already in better spirits, he sniffs and licks at the little kid.


When In Doubt, Hug It Out

toddler standing and hugging dog
Photo Credit: Twitter / @akkitwts
Photo Credit: Twitter / @akkitwts

As if this touching show of love wasn't adorable enough, the toddler raised back up to standing height and ended their mini therapy session with a big hug for his golden retriever pal. The dog doesn't shy away from nuzzling into the sweet kid who just comforted him through the storm.


People online couldn't help but marvel at this young child's tenderness, with the tweet receiving over 25,000 retweets and 73,000 likes!


It Just Goes To Show That There's No Bond Sweeter

toddler playing with dog
Photo Credit: Scopio / Jenn O'Hara
Photo Credit: Scopio / Jenn O'Hara

Young children and their pets really do bond in a beautiful way that can seem magical to the adult eye. While we may not fully understand their seemingly surreal ways of communicating with each other and caring for one another, we can appreciate their mutual love from the outside.


Dogs really are a kid's best friend and vice versa.
